The 6 Months of Grief and Surviving Year Two Art Projects

When my husband suddenly passed away in his sleep, I was thrown into a living a nightmare I thought I would never wake up from. Art, writing and other forms of creating saved my life and it continues to, so many years later.

6 months after he passed away, I created the 6 Months of Grief Project, in which I made an image and wrote a post every single day for six months. That project ended on the one year anniversary of his death. When I finished that project, I fell into a deep depression and realized that I needed to keep creating around my grief, so I then created a second project called  Surviving Year Two, in which I created an image and writing once a week.

Going back and reading all my posts and looking at all the powerful imagery I created has really stunned me. How was a capable of so much beautiful art and powerful writing in the depths of my grief? We are all capable of so much more than we ever give ourselves credit for. Making art, and especially making art with your dreams, is a powerful way to dive into your unconscious and shine light into the dark corners of your heart, bringing more vitality and energy to your waking life.